​Yes. She can do so since she met the eligibility requirements for a retirement pension prior to the Amending Law's implementation.

​No, an Active Member who has already registered with the Fund is considered an "In-service Active Member." He will continue to make monthly contributions of 5%.

​Yes, you can, and you will receive an end-of-service benefit for each additional year equal to 3 months' salary per each year in the category of average pensionable salary for the last six years of service.

​Yes. Those who were entitled to a retirement pension under the previous system are still eligible to retire and may do so in 2024 or at any time after the Amending Law takes effect. Moreover, it is possible to keep working while benefiting from the Amending Law's provisions, such as the increased retirement pension rate.

​The provisions of the Amending Law shall apply to all the citizens covered under the Pension Law in the Abu Dhabi Emirate.

​ A notable benefit is an increase in the maximum retirement pension rate to reach 100% of the average pensionable salary. According to the previous system, the maximum retirement pension rate was 80% following completion of 25 years, and this rate did not increase even if the employee worked for longer years. The new adjustment, however, has allowed the employee to increase the retirement pension rate by 2% for each consecutive year of service beyond 25 years, until the percentage reaches 100%.  This will undoubtedly help to close the income gap between before and after retirement, and it will provide an incentive for employees to continue working.

   Introducing an “Optional Contributions” scheme for female employees with children who need to leave work due to family obligations, allowing them to continue making pension contributions to the Fund. The postgraduate students are also offered the “Optional Contributions” as per the latest changes. This will be implemented in accordance with controls that will be put in place following consultation with the competent entities, and it will be announced later.
   Receiving both a retirement pension and a salary for pensioners after attaining the retirement age, or upon the entitlement to pension and the service period is 30 years.
   The possibility to add previous pensionable service in accordance with the regulations that the Fund will adopt to allow pensioners to return to work and increase the amount of their pension.

  • ​For entities, the rate of pension contributions has not changed, remaining at 15%.
  • For In-Service Active Members at the time of the new amendments, no change. The rate remains 5%.
  • For the New Active Members, their pension contribution rate is 11%.

​It is the salary based on which retirement pension contributions are paid, as well as the salary based on which retirement pension and benefits are calculated. For In-service Active Members, the maximum pensionable salary is AED 150.000.  For New Active Members, the maximum pensionable salary is AED 100.000. 

​The retirement pension rate increases by 2% for every year of service beyond 25 years, until it reaches 100% of the average pensionable salary for the last six years of service. 

​Upon the completion of 25 years of service, Active Members earn 80% of the average pensionable salary. This percentage increases by 2% for each additional year of service until it reaches 100%.

​Yes. He can. 

​Since the mother is still employed, having five or more children is not necessary. Retirement can therefore be determined by the number of years of service as per the progression of years, on condition that she has at least one child upon the end of service.

​Yes, he is regarded to have fulfilled the requirements for the retirement pension prior to the implementation of the Amended Law, and he is still eligible to retire at any time.

​No, he cannot. During the first year of the Amending Law’s implementation, 10.5 years of service is required as a requirement for retirement. 

​According to the Amending Law, the Active Member's pension will be increased by 2% for each year of service of more than 25 years until it reaches 100%. ​

​Because he has never registered with the Fund before, he will be considered a New Active Member. He will be subject to the maximum pensionable salary(wage)requirements as well as the monthly contribution rates. He may add previous periods of service in accordance with the related provisions of the law. 

​The new changes covered both the In-service Active Members and the New Active Members.

​No, there are no changes now.

​There have been no changes to that.

  • ​Completion of 25 years of service and reaching the age of 45 years old.
  • For men: age 60, and minimum years of service (10 and a half years).
  • For women: 55 and a half years of age, and minimum years of service (10 and a half years)
  •  For women with children:
    • Minimum years of service (15 years), without age requirement.
    • Or reaching 50 and a half years of age, and minimum years of service (10 and a half years).

​Retirement pensions will be computed by the calculation of the average pensionable salary for a period of five years, so that the first three years will be calculated based on the average basic pensionable salary plus the allowances (as pe the previous law) and the two years after the Amending Law will be calculated based on the average total pensionable salary. This ensures that the value of the retirement pension payable for the time before the changes to the law is not reduced due to a change in the average. 

​No. There have been no changes to the employer's pension contribution rate, which remains at 15%.

The salary on the basis of which the pension contributions to the Fund are paid shall not exceed an amount of AED (150,000) for the worker for his own continuous account. For the self employed worker who does not have a previous contribution to ADPF, the maximum amount shall not exceed AED (100,000).
Self-employed Workers registered with the Fund before December 1, 2023, will be considered "in-service Self-employed Workers." They can make monthly contributions at a minimum (AED 12,750), and a maximum (AED 150,000) based on the monthly income segments stated in the approved salary schedule. However, if there has been no prior registration with the Fund before December 1, 2023, in that case, Self-employed Workers may register with the Fund under any of the monthly income segments stated in the approved schedule at a minimum of AED 12,750 and a maximum of AED 100,000. Solvency (financial ability)is required in all cases per the Fund's approved procedures.
If he has already registered with the Fund before December 1, 2023, he will be considered "In-service Self-employed Worker". He can make monthly contributions at a minimum (AED 12,750) and a maximum (AED 150,000) based on the monthly income segments stated in the approved Salary schedule, as long as solvency (financial ability) is established in compliance with the Fund's rules.
After demonstrating solvency (financial ability), he may choose any segment that corresponds to his monthly income from the monthly income segments listed in the approved Salary schedule, on condition that it does not exceed the segment following the last gross pensionable salary on which pension contributions were paid to the Fund or exceeds the pensionable maximum wage set for the Active Members.
When you register with ADPF, this period is automatically added to your current service period. There is no requirement to wait for a specific duration before including this period.
Yes, it is possible. An ADPF pensioner may register as a Self-employed Worker if they have not yet reached the 60-year-old retirement age for both men and women.
Under the Fund's established rules and regulations, it is also permitted to add prior pensionable service. 
However, the following groups cannot be registered under the Self-employed Workers category:
  1. Those who are subject to any of the applicable retirement laws in the UAE.
  2. Pensioners from other pension funds.​
The owner of a sole proprietorship or limited liability company can register with ADPF as a Self-employed Worker.

If an employee of UAE nationality starts working for the entity, the entity must register with the fund. However, if there are no citizen employees present, the entity is not required to register with the Fund.​
If the requirements for registration are fulfilled, he may register as a Self-employed Worker.
He can register as a Self-employed Worker if the registration requirements are .
He can register as a Self-employed Worker if the registration requirements are .

Yes. Self-employed Workers might request to suspend their contributions. In that case, registration will be cancelled beginning the month following the request for suspension.

Through the "TAMM" platform (Amend Previous Service Period), Active Members can request an increase in the monthly installment amount and  make full payment of the remaining amount.​

Yes, an Active Member may apply to add a portion of their previous service period. But if they request to add the remaining period, the cost of addition will be calculated using the pensionable salary at the time the new request is submitted.

Yes. Active Members who applied for End -of-Service Request/ Member Termination Request- Defer non-payment, can buy retirement pension eligibility to satisfy the minimum period of service, age qualifying for a pension. Active Members can apply for the purchase request if all requirements are fulfilled, noting that the pension shall be disbursed for these cases from the day following payment of the purchase cost.​

Yes. An extra pension can be obtained in accordance with established rules, conditions, and Fund-approved regulations.​

Yes, Active Members can buy what completes  the minimum period of service, age, or both by submitting a purchase request under the end-of-service transaction, provided that the conditions are met in accordance with the Fund's approved resolutions.​

Yes. Self-employed Active Members may include their previous service according to the following terms and conditions:

  1. ‌One year after registration with ADPF as a Self-employed Active Member.
  2. The additional period must not be longer than the period required to qualify for 100% pension eligibility under the conditions specified by law. 
  3. Payment of the cost of Adding Previous Service, which is calculated at a rate of 26% of the salary in accordance with Law No. 2 and its amendments.
  4. Any conditions and controls imposed by the ADPF's Board Of Directors (BOD) for this purpose.

In the following cases, it is possible to receive a pension in addition to a salary from any entity operating under the ADPF's umbrella:
  1. Reaching the retirement age, which is 60 years old.
  2. Active Member’ entitlement to a retirement pension, with a minimum contribution period of 30 years.​

Yes, Self-employed Workers may, in January of each year, apply for the following:
Request a 15% increase in pensionable salary every two years, subject to the following conditions:
  • Self-employed Active Members must have been registered with the Fund for more than a year. 
  • Provide evidence of solvency (financial ability)  to meet ADPF requirements for an increase.
  • The salary must not exceed the maximum monthly income segment per the salary schedule.​
 Self-employed Workers also can request to reduce the pensionable salary, but it must be not less than  the lowest segment in the monthly income segments for Self-employed Worker registration in ADPF.


Yes, on the condition that the Self-employed Workers have completed a one-year contribution requirement and subsequently communicated their intent to purchase a Nominal Term. This is subject to the following Nominal Term Purchase rules and regulations, which are specified by law and approved by the Fund for pension entitlement.
1.In the case of  Nominal Term Purchase  to fulfill the qualifying period for pension entitlement(15 years) upon reaching  the retirement age:
  • Active Member must have at least (5) years of service before requesting to purchase.
  • The Nominal Term Purchase to be purchased shall not exceed the time required to complete the minimum service period to qualify for pension benefits.
  • The monthly purchase cost shall be paid at a rate of 26% of the salary at the date of application. 
  • Payment options include a one-time payment or installments with a pension, as per the law.
2. In the case of Nominal Term Purchase to fulfill the qualifying period for pension entitlement (25 years) upon reaching the retirement age
  • Active Member must have at least (20) years of service when requesting the Nominal Term Purchase. 
  • When applying for the purchase, the Purchase Request Applicant must meet the pension entitlement's minimum eligible age requirement.
  • The Nominal Term to be purchased must not exceed the minimum qualifying contribution period for pension entitlement (25 years).
  • The monthly purchase cost shall be paid at a rate of 26% of the salary at the date of application. 
  • Active Member must not be entitled to a retirement pension in accordance with the provisions of the law.
  • Payment of purchase costs in one instalment before the pension is paid.
3. In the case of purchasing a pension entitlement for those who did not meet the age or service period requirements. 
  • Active Members must not be entitled to a retirement pension in accordance with the provisions of the law.
  • Active Members must have at least (20) years of service, when applying for the purchase. 
  • When applying for the purchase, the age gap cannot be more than 5 years below the qualifying age for early retirement.
  • Payment of the cost of purchasing the period completing the (25) years for each month at a rate of 26% of the salary at the date of application.
  • Fulfilment of all the financial obligations arising from the retirement age differential, as determined by the accounting model prepared by the actuary expert of the Fund.
  • Payment of purchase costs in one instalment before the pension is paid.​

No. The purchase cost must be paid in full within 30 days after obtaining the Certificate of Acceptance of the purchase request.​

No, it is not possible since the employee must be registered with just one entity that pays his/her pension contributions.

​No. The rate of pension contribution for this category has not changed and will continue to be 5% of the pensionable salary.

​You can consult your employer's Human Resources (HR) department for information on your remaining retirement years or to calculate your estimated pension.

Registration is optional. If a Self-employed Worker desires to register, he can do so.​

​Yes, the Active Member is entitled to a benefit/allowance for service years exceeding 25 prior to the enforcement of the provisions of the Amending Law. This benefit/allowance will be calculated according to the preceding provisions before the effective date of the Amending Law, and it will be paid to the Active Member upon end of service.

All private sector entities must register in the direct debit system so that ADPF can collect the monthly contribution amounts.​

There is no difference in terms or conditions.​

Yes, there is a minimum and maximum limit specified in the approved income segment table according to the monthly income segment: 
  • If you are In-service Self-employed Worker or have previously registered with ADPF before December 1, 2023, the minimum amount is AED 12,750, and the maximum amount is AED 150,000.
  • If you are a new Self-employed Worker registered after December 1, 2023, and do not have a previous ADPF registration, the minimum amount is AED (12,750) and the maximum limit is AED (100,000), provided that your solvency (financial ability) is proven in accordance with the procedures approved by the Abu Dhabi Retirement Fund.​
The registration process for Active Members of the People of Determination is the same as for all other members. The only requirement is to present a medical fitness certificate issued by the competent authority, attesting to the member's health and suitability for the relevant work.

​The Active Member who has registered with the Fund is considered an In-Service Active Member. He will continue to pay 5% pension contributions.

Self-employed Workers pay their monthly pension contributions as follows:
  1. (26%) of the monthly contribution segment for new Self-employed Workers who have not previously registered with the ADPF before December 1, 2023.
  2. (20%) of the monthly contribution monthly contribution segment for Self-employed Workers who have previously registered with ADPF before December 1, 2023.​
Using the "TAMM" platform, Active Members can view "Add Previous Service Request" details and learn about the remaining balance.
Active Members can apply for "Adding Pensionable Service" through the online service "Adding Pensionable Service" via the digital services provided on the Fund's website. 

You can calculate the cost of retirement pension eligibility using the (Pension Calculator), which is available on the Fund's services list on the TAMM platform.
The following should be considered: 
A. The Active Member's pension eligibility and term of service  will be verified.
B. Purchase costs are approximate and based on the data submitted by Active Members.​

​It is calculated, and the contribution payment deadline is pushed to the first working day after the weekly or official holiday has ended.​

Reports on the Entity's compliance with Law No. 2 of 2000:
The Entity can view its detailed compliance report on ADPF's website by completing the steps outlined below:
  1. Log in with a username and password.
  2. Select "Entity".
  3. Select "Entity Account Management.
  4. Select "Entity's Compliance Report.

The purchase request must be included with the Active Member's  End-of-Service Request made by the employer/entity following these steps:
1. Before submitting an End-of-Service Request, Active Members are required to utilize the pension calculator accessible through the Fund's catalog of services on the TAMM platform to ensure that all purchasing requirements have been fulfilled.
2. Active Members must complete and sign the "Purchase Request Form" available on the Fund's website (Download Forms Tab).
3. The Purchase Request Form to be attached by the concerned employee at the entity along with the End-of-Service Request for the purpose of retirement via the Fund's website.
4. The employee responsible at the entity must include the Purchase Request Form and the End-of-Service Request for retirement purposes and submit them through the Fund's website.​

This request is made directly to the Fund through its Customer Happiness Centers.​

  1. If the entity so requests, the additional amounts will be deducted via direct debit. 
  2. Or through a bank transfer designated for additional amounts, provided that the bank receipt is forwarded to the ADPF. ​

This request is made directly to the Fund through its Customer Happiness Centers.​

With a copy of the ID card attached, the Entity submits a request to update the date of birth of the Active Member.
When the date of birth is updated in the Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs, and Port Security's system, the data provided through E-linking (G2G) will be reflected in the update request.
It will also be automatically reflected in the Active Member's ADPF record. If the date of birth has not been updated in the Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs, and Port Security system, the request will be returned to the Entity, who will then instruct Active Members to update their information in the system's ID database.

Self-employed Active Members' end-of-service benefits are computed using the average pensionable salary earned during the last six years of service, or the actual service term if less. The calculation is as follows:
  1. ​Upon completion of their first five years of service, Active Members are eligible to receive an end-of-service  lump-sum benefits equal to 1.5 months' salary for each completed service year. 
  2. For the subsequent five years, Active Members are eligible to receive an end-of-service lump-sum benefits equal to 2 months' salary for each completed service year.
  3. For more than ten years of service, Active Members are granted an end-of-service lump-sum benefits equal to 3 months' salary for each completed service year.
Note: To qualify for an end-of-service lump-sum benefits, one year of service is required. ​

If the salary in the employment contract is daily, hourly, piece-rate, or commission-based, and there is no fixed monthly salary, the employee cannot be registered; instead, the Entity must provide a fixed monthly salary for registration.

Active Members are subject to the terms of this law throughout their leave, secondment, assignment, or absence from work. The Entity/employer must continue to make monthly contributions based on the Active Member's last pensionable salary. Contributions for these periods will be due for the entire pensionable wage in accordance with the rules and provisions outlined below:
  • Periods of External secondment without a salary or a wage/unpaid leave: Active Members must pay their shares and the Entity's share of contributions within the specified due dates. 
  • Periods of Unpaid Study Leave: The Entity is obligated to paying their portion of the contributions, just as Active Members are obligated to paying theirs.  
  • Periods of Internal secondment: the receiving entity is responsible for paying the employer's share of contributions, while the Active Member is responsible for paying their share to ADPF on a regular basis based on the sending entity's pensionable salary.  
  • Periods of Sick Leave: The Entity shall be required to pay their share of contributions on the specified dates. Active Members are required to pay their portion regardless of whether the leave is paid or not.
  • Absence from work: Active Members must pay their share, as well as the Entity's share, of contributions for periods of absence prior to the end of service, within the specified dates.
  • The entity has the right of recourse against Active Members for the amounts that the entity has paid to ADPF on their behalf.​
Through e-portal of ADPF (Entity Services > Financial Services > Payment Codes.

Entity Registration: 
The Entity should complete the registration process with ADPF using ADPF's website, as follows:
  1. Create a new username using the link (link to create a new user).
  2. Login to ADPF's e-portal via the provided URL. 
  3. Go to General Services > Entity Registration. Select "Start Service".
  4. Fill out all fields, attach documents, and click "Submit" to complete the request.
Government Sector: 
  1. Acknowledgment and Undertaking to Accept Direct Debit (Electronic). 
  2. Acknowledgment and Undertaking of the Entity's headquarters (Electronic). 
  3. A copy of the Emiri decree/the Executive Council Resolution/a copy of the non-commercial license issued by the relevant authorities in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.
  4. A copy of the Entity's authorized salary scale, stating the elements of the income, provided that the pensionable salary used to pay ADPF contributions does not exceed 80% of the total salary plus the children's allowance.           
  5. Direct debit form for pension contributions, provided that the form is approved by the authorized signatories of the open limit in banking transactions with the bank in the location designated at the bottom of the form, if the bank data entered by the Entity does not match the data in the Central Bank.
Private Sector: 
  1. Acknowledgment and Undertaking to Accept Direct Debit (Electronic). 
  2. Acknowledgment and Undertaking of the Entity's headquarters (Electronic). 
  3. A copy of the license, if it is non-commercial, granted to the Entity by the Emirate of Abu Dhabi's competent authorities.
  4. Direct debit form for pension contributions, provided that the form is approved by the authorized signatories of the open limit in banking transactions with the bank in the location designated at the bottom of the form, if the bank data entered by the Entity does not match the data in the Central Bank.​

​The new changes to the Law included the addition of previous pensionable service. Following that, the accompanying procedures and controls, as well as the cost value, would be established and announced.

Yes, provided that the requirements for Adding Pensionable Service are fulfilled in accordance with the resolutions approved by the Fund.​

You can apply to add a previous contribution period at least one year after registering with the ADPF as a Self-employed Worker. It will be added if the ADPF-approved terms and conditions for adding previous service periods are met.​

Nominal Term Purchase is permitted in accordance with the ADPF's terms and conditions; this can occur one year after registration as a Self-employed Active Member.

Under terms and conditions approved by the ADPF, Nominal Term Purchase  is allowed in the following scenarios:
  1. The Nominal Term Purchase request is submitted after one year of registration with ADPF. 
  2. For pension entitlement to complete the minimum period of service or age requirement.
In the event of retirement, you may apply for a Nominal Term Purchase for pension increase purposes
No refunds will be issued for the payments made. If an Active Member decides to stop the payment, the service period will be modified to incorporate the amount paid into the subsequent new service period.
Active members from a government entity, or those who are subject to any of the state's pension laws, or pensioners from other pension funds are not eligible to register as Self-employed Workers.

There is no provision in the Law that prevents a pensioner from returning to work for any entity in the UAE.
Yes, Self-employed Workers may request a reduction in their pensionable salary for which pension contributions are paid to ADPF as of January.
The reduction will be reflected on the pensionable salary commencing in January, provided that the pensionable salary for which pension contributions are paid to ADPF is not less than (AED 12,750/-).
Yes, an Active Member may request an instalment of the cost of addition using one of the following options:
  1. You can pay the full cost in instalment payments over a maximum of 120 months, with the first instalment due within two months of the request's approval date. Otherwise, the request will be regarded as cancelled.
  2. You can make an advance cash payment and pay the remaining amount in instalments over a maximum of 120 months, on condition that the cash advance payment must be made within one month of approval of the instalment request and the first instalment must be paid within a month of the date of payment. Otherwise, the request will be regarded as cancelled.​

Yes. Active Members may add national service that was not included during the Active Member's previous period of service as covered by the UAE's applicable civil service retirement laws.
The self-employed worker may request the full increase of (15%) once or divide it over two years as per his convenience. In the event that it is divided over a period of two (2) years, he may apply for a second increase in January of the second year to complete the percentage of (15%).
It should be noted that if a full increase of 15% is requested in January of the first year, a second application for the increase may not be submitted until two (2) years have passed.
Yes, it is possible. If you are entitled to a retirement pension, you may pay the service addition costs in instalments using your gratuity and retirement pension.
Yes, that's possible.
There is no exemption available for additional amounts. The Entity may request a reduction in the amount owed or the option to make installment payments, provided that all relevant conditions and controls are met.

No, that is not possible. The Entity may request instalment payments in accordance with the ADPF's approved terms and conditions.

No. The purchase must be paid in full within 30 days after obtaining the Certificate of Acceptance of the purchase request.​

It is required that Active Members must be medically fit to work upon their appointment, based on a medical report from the competent health authority approved by the employer. Entities must maintain a certificate of medical fitness in their records and present it to ADPF upon request.

For the first 15 years of service, the retirement pension is 48% of the average pensionable salary for the last six years, with 3.2% to be added for each year of the following ten years of service. Then, 2% is added for each of the last years of service so that the pension equals 100% of the average pensionable pay for the last six years of service.

Upon reaching 100% of the retirement pension, a benefit will be calculated for each additional year that equals three months for each year. This benefit shall be calculated based on the average pensionable salary for the last six years of service of the Active Member, provided that monthly pension contributions have been made by the entity for that period.

​ During the first year of implementation, the conditions for entitlement to retirement are 45 years of age and 25 years of service; however, individuals who have fulfilled the retirement requirements before the Amending Law's effective date will still be eligible for retirement regardless of age.

No salary increase may be sought.As of December 1, 2023, the pensionable salary for which pension contributions are made to the Fund has been reduced to a maximum of AED 150,000 for In-service Self-employed Active Members.
Self-employed Workers can request the entire 15% increase at once or spread it out over two years, whichever they prefer. If the amount is allocated over two (2) years, Self-employed Workers may apply for an increase in January of the following year to meet the full fifteen percent (15%) criteria. It is important to note that if a total 15% increase is sought in January of the first year, no further applications for the increase are permitted until two (2) years have passed.

Yes, a request to update the Entity contact details (Director-General and Human Resources Manager) must be submitted via the Entity Data Update Service on the website, with the requirement that all contact information be correct.​

If they employ UAE national employees, all entities having headquarters in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, whether government or private, must be registered with the Abu Dhabi Pension Fund (ADPF).
All private sector entities with headquarters in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi must register their UAE national employees at branches outside the Emirate of Abu Dhabi with ADPF to protect their insurance rights.

  1. At the time of registration, the Active Members' age cannot be less than the age specified by the applicable laws governing the Entity or higher than the retirement age of sixty-years (60).
  2. Not to be covered mandatory under the Law or it is a must to include under the provisions of the Law in this capacity. 
  3. To be fit to practice of activity or free-lance profession with a medical certificate issued by the competent government medical authorities in the Emirate.
  4. To apply for registration in accordance with the Fund's established procedures.
  5. A pensioner may apply for the self-employed category.

The provisions of this Resolution do not apply to the following categories:

  • Those governed by any of the other applicable pension laws in the State. 
  • Pensioners from other pension funds.​

Self-employed Workers may, in January of each year, request an increase of no more than 15%  in pensionable salary for every two years, subject to the following conditions:
  1. Self-employed Active Members must have been registered with the Fund for more than a year. 
  2. Evidence of  solvency (financial ability) must be submitted to meet ADPF requirements for an increase.
  3. After the increase, the salary must not exceed the maximum limit of AED 100,000 for New Active Members or the maximum limit of AED 150,000 for In-service Active Members.​

​During the first year of implementation, the requirements for women with children include completion of 15 years and 6 months in service (without a specific age requirements), and the service years will gradually increase by 6 months per year. This will not affect those who fulfilled the pension entitlement requirements before the date of 01 December 2023.

1. The value of the pension after purchase must not exceed the maximum salary established in accordance with the provisions of the Law.
2. To pay all financial obligations due to the Fund resulting from the increase (extra pension).
3. To pay the cost of the increase (extra pension)  in a single payment within (30) days from the date of issuance of the purchase cost certificate.
4. The pension increase (extra pension) shall be payable from the date of its calculation and shall be disbursed after payment of the accrued cost.​

1. The period of service must not be less than 5 years. 
2. The purchased period must not exceed the period required to meet the minimum pension eligibility.
3. To pay the purchase cost each month is calculated at a rate of 26% of the pensionable salary at the time the request is submitted.
4. To pay the purchase cost in a single payment within 30 days from the day the purchase cost certificate is issued. Active Members can also request an installment of the purchase cost from their pension.​

1. Active Members must not be  eligible for a retirement pension in any retirement scenario defined by law.
2. The actual length of service for Active Members must be at least (20 years) upon purchase request.
3. The applicant's qualifying age at the time of submission of the purchase request must be at least five (5) years of qualifying age for early retirement benefits when the purchase request is submitted.
4. The cost of purchasing the supplementary period for the period of (25) years will be paid monthly at a rate of 26% of the salary at the date the purchase request is submitted.
5. To pay all financial obligations resulting from the age difference for early retirement, as determined by the Fund's calculation model.
6. To pay the full purchase cost in a single payment within (30 days) from the date of issuance of the purchase cost certificate and before the disbursement of the pension. ​

Previous Periods of service that cannot be added:
  1. Previous Period of Service outside the State during which Active Member was not a citizen.
  2. Period of nominal years of service (military student/cadet) if Active Member does not subsequently enlist in the Ministry of Defense or Police.
  3. Duration of Study
  4. Previous Period of Service for which an Active Member was entitled to a pension from entities outside of the ADPF.
  5. Previous Period of Service in the private sector before the Active Member turning 18.​​

Periods of service that may be added are as follows:
1. The previous service period  spent at the Federal Government, any public Entity or corporation, banks or companies, wherein the Federal Government is holding or had held shares in their capital.
2. The previous service period spent at the Government Sector.
3. The previous service period spent at a local department in any other emirtae , in any public entities or corporations, banks or companies, wherein one of the governments of the Emirates is holding or had held shares in their capital
4. The period of military service in the State.
  • Period of nominal years of service (military student), provided that Active Members then join work in the Ministry of Defense or the Police.
  • The period of service for which Active Members are ineligible to receive a benefit, regardless of the cause of termination, includes service that ended for a reason that qualifies for the withholding of a pension or benefit.
5. The period of national service.
6. Previous service in the private sector of the state:
  • Active Member's service period before January 1, 2004 (prior to inclusion of private sector under the Fund).
  • Less than one year of servcie in an entity regsitered with Fund, but Active Member is not a registered member with the Fund.
  • Active Members who served outside of Abu Dhabi and are not registered in any any other pension fund  operating in the State.
7. The previous Period of Service outside the State, provided that the Active Member holds the nationality of the State during said period.
8. The previous Period of Service at embassies, consulates and international organisations operating in the State.
9. The Period of Service within the State before the Active Member has obtained the nationality of the State.
10. Previous Periods of Service at any entity as as determined by by the Executive Council based on a proposal of the Board. ​
ADPF requires an official letter from the entity or a published law on the cancellation or merger to be addressed to ADPF along with all relevant supporting documents. Following this, ADPF will coordinate a meeting to explain all the applicable procedures.

1. Attach a copy of the Self-employed Worker's acknowledgment and undertaking.
2. Attach a copy of the entity's   solvency (financial ability)  (financial report or certified financial statements).  ​

1. The period to be added and for which the Active Member was entitled to a retirement pension must not exceed the period qualifying for pension entitlement at a rate of 100% at the time the request is submitted.
2. Reimbursement for all pensions disbursed by the Fund.
3. Pay the cost of adding for each month by 26% of the difference between the pensionable pay when submitting the request and the final pensionable salary upon retirement.
4. Pay the related costs following the approved resolutions and procedures for "Adding Previous Service."​

Submit the increase in the bracket in accordance with the approved controls and be as follows:
  1. Apply for the increase in January of each year, starting from January 2024.
  2. Complete a Contribution period of at least one year as a self-employed worker in the ADPF.
  3. The permissible increase rate is (15%) maximum for every two (2) years.
  4. The maximum allowed salary shall not be exceeded.​​
  1. A citizen who engages on his own account in a commercial, industrial or agricultural activity, which the law requires to be registered in the Commercial Register or any other register.
  2. A citizen who owns an establishment and employs workers and takes from the work he carries out a profession or craft.
  3. Self-employed Workers, such as an advocate, engineer, doctor, etc.
  4. Owners and partners of trade licenses.
1. An official letter outlining the reasons for the request (Change the date of joining/Cancel Active Member Registration).
2. A copy of the job commencement or employment contract.

The Direct Debit System is a system used by the ADPF to ensure that entities pay their monthly contributions on time as prescribed by law.  Entities authorize ADPF to deduct monthly payments directly from their bank accounts.​

​Procedures and controls will be put in place for this benefit over the coming period in coordination with the competent entities. All relevant conditions and information will be announced later.

​Any employee who has never been registered with the Abu Dhabi Pension Fund (ADPF) and whose employment joining date is after the changes to the law became effective. 

1. Date of Joining
2. Cancellation of Active Member Registration
3. Employee No.
4. Job Title
5. Birth Date Update
6. Mobile No.
7. Email ​​

 The age of retirement, as specified by law, is as follows:
  • 60 years for men
  • 55 years and six months (with steady progression as prescribed by law until reaching 60 years old).​

The Active Member must meet the minimum age requirement set by the relevant legislation applicable to the Entity and must not exceed the retirement age (i.e. 60 calendar years for both males and females) at the time of employment.​

If no contribution or registration is made before 01 December 2023, the contribution rate will be set at 11%.

The following formula is used to calculate  the cost of adding previous service:
  • Months: (Period of Service to be Added X Pensionable Salary at submission date) X 26%.
  • Days: (Number of days/30 X Pensionable Salary at submission date) X 26%.​​
If there has been a previous registration or contribution, the contribution rate will be 5%.

For the sole purpose of implementing the provisions of the Pension Law to that sector, entities are classified as "private sector" or "government sector"; specific provisions vary depending on whether an entity is classified as a “government sector" or "private sector" entity.​​
The Entity shall register the citizen with ADPF within one (1) month from the date of joining it.

  • The amount specified in the "Certificate of Acceptance" issued by the Fund must be settled within 30 days of issuance. If payment is not made, the Fund will cancel the purchase request. The Active Member must resubmit the purchase request again.
  • This does not apply to pension eligibility purchases by those who attained the retirement age. They may subsequently apply for an installment of the purchase cost from their pension in accordance with Law No. (2) of 2000 Law no. (2) of 2000 regarding Civil Retirement Pensions and Benefits in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi and its amendments. 
To register your entity, please follow these steps:  
  • Visit ADPF's website (www.pension.gov.ae).
  • To register an entity, navigate to the "Public Services" tab and select "Entity Registration". Fill in all the required information and submit the application.​

Self-employed Active Members who meet the pension eligibility conditions under Article (27) of Law 2000 regarding Civil Retirement Pensions and Benefits in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi and its amendments may be eligible for a retirement pension. ​

​Pensioners can receive both a pension and a salary upon reaching the age of retirement (60) years old  or after completing the maximum years of service ( 30)  years .

In the following scenarios, the Active Member's previous service period may be added by default:
1. Active Members with less than a year of service at a registered entity with the Fund.
2. If a retirement benefit for the prior period's termination of service was not paid.
3. In the event of a request for non-disbursement of a retirement benefit or pension for this period. ​

  1. ​After 30 days of Active Members employment and the entity's delay in registering Active Members with the Fund.
  2. Following thirty (30) days after the entity's failure to submit the end-of-service form.
Each day of delay incurs an AED 100 fee.

​The changes to the pension system will become effective as of December 1, 2023. 

The Entity shall pay the monthly contributions, their share, and the share of active members. The entity has the right of recourse against Active Members for the amounts that the entity has paid to ADPF on their behalf.

A person who joined service/work for the first time on or after December 1, 2023, and has not been previously registered with ADPF.

Individuals who were registered with ADPF prior to December 1, 2023. ​

This refers to UAE citizens who work for a local government entity in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi or for a company, corporation, or organization in which the Government of Abu Dhabi holds or has held shares, either directly or indirectly. It also includes UAE citizens who work for a private-sector entity headquartered in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. The UAE citizens in question must be registered with the Abu Dhabi Pension Fund and are referred to as "Active Members."​

Entities can use this service to update a variety of data, including the name of the entity, contact information, and bank details, noting that supporting documents are attached based on the process.​